Wednesday, 30 November 2016


New life pebende kn da umur 3 series? Hehe...jgn camtu cik kak. Byk bende br walaupon umur da tua.

Seriously I'm counting days to become fulltime bapak & fulltime husband. Debor I tau kikiki. After 6 tahun kawen ni la 1st time duduk bersama. Bagi sesetengah orang kata apa yang aku buat ni pengorbanan seorang bapak. Ada orang lain pulak kata tanggungjawab seorang bapak. Tapi tu semua alasan penyedap hati untuk membolehkan apa yang aku buat selama ni.

It is all doesn't matter what other people said, the thing is what I am thinking kn? And apa yang aku rase ialah...rasa bersalah pada wife and anak2 aku. Agak terlambat kn baru nk sedor kn? But better I stop right now rather than xbuat langsung kn?

I know this is a very hard decision to make. Actually da lama aku pikir nk stop hidup camni. But life is not as easy as other people see kn. Unless they've been in the same situation baru diorg paham and I'm not blaming them pn. Sikit pn tak.

After this, I've been thinking and prepared mentally and a bit physically. The challenges is there. Rasenye semua orang paham dgn keadaan ekonomi dunia and political Malaysia skrg ni susah nk jangka. Tp tu semua not in our hand to control. Kenapa nk pening2 kepala pikir psl future yg terlalu jauh kn? Tah2 esok lusa mati. So just appreciate the moment that we have right now da la kn? Future we plan tp xperlulah smpai terlalu jauh.

Semua tu dlm perhitungan. I did think a few possibilities and I did a few countermeasures. And only a few people knew. People that I thrust. Tp bukan yg aku x share bermaksud aku x thrust tp just xseswai dgn keadaan and masa (peace yo!). Tu je alasan yg aku boleh kasi. Kalo nk terasa jugak pegi ceruk dapur sorang2 jgn ckp kt aku hehe...

Okay...enuf is enuf. The thing is done. Xguna menangis ke melalak ke hape ke. That was my life and my own decision. Aku sendri yg tanggung. Aku da jangka nnti orang akan ckp kalo agak 'gagal', "Tu la aku da ckp dlu...bla bla bla". Tapi kalo aku 'berjaya', "Bagos la ko buat mcm ni...bla bla bla". Tp susah sng "Akuuuu jugak", mcm Mail Upin Ipin ckp kn...kikiki...

Now...just tinggal few days remaining. Hurmmmm...I will start a new life. A fresh one. Back to the starting point. It can be said now I'm heading towards the end of the new beginning la kn? Wahahaha...(no comment nape aku tetba gelak haha).

Da byk aku tulis ni. Nnti2 la aku sambung merepek lg. Tp I'd like to express terima kasih byk2 pada yg support aku selama ni. Harap support smpai bile2...hehe. Pada yg challenge pn terima kasih byk2 sbb dgn dari concern korang tu buatkn aku prepare countermeasure and mentally sikit2. I hope we all do well in future. Life is going on. No one stopping you from what you are doing. So, what makes you stop!? What stopping you!? Chewahhhh...ayat management ni kikiki...

Okay geng...smpai sini dlu. Bye...see ya!

Saturday, 13 August 2016



Haduyaiii...da lama sgt x tulis entry kat blog ni...tetiba lak nk menulis arini (3 am tuh😒😒)...

Bkn apa...xtau nk kata apa da ni...speechless tahap gaban 7 petala langit da ni...(korang yg muda remaja mesti xtau "gaban" n "7 petala langit" tu kn 😂😂😂)...haaa..g cari sendri mendape tu...

Ini story malang aku arini...

Supposed to be aku blek Penang kul9:30 pm as per dlm tiket aku. So lps keje yg tetba byk smlm dlm kelam kabut tu aku berjaya naik bas dr Pasir Gudang kul8:03 pm. Nmpk smooth kn?

Smpai Larkin kul8:30 pm. Fuhhh!!! Mmg luck baik lg setakat ni...pastu g kaunter check in la ni. Okay dpt no plate bas ke Penang..cun! Tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu n tunggu lg...amek kaw!!! Kul11:40 pm bas smpai yg spatotnye kul9:30 pm smpai...da simit suweiiii di situ...

Namun...suwei tu xberhenti di situ shj...huhuhu...mmg speechless!!! Tayar kebabo lak kat area Pedas Linggi!!!

Dan...itula waktu skrg...tgh tggu tyreman instead replacement bus! Rase nk carut tp tgh speechless so keep speechless la kn. Better dr carut kn?

I dunno what our service company kt Malaysia ni...but nk ckp je la bas dr JB (Larkin) service agak SUCKS!!! 3 thn aku naik bas xpernah improve...time keeping always (each time) mmg out!

Harap2 ni pengalaman aku sorg je my opinion doesn't count la kn...mayb I'm just unlucky. But please improve la wei...bas lmbt ckp la bas lmbt n minx maap. Or cr la ganti bas ke least customers feel appreciated. Kite bayar bang oi bkn free. Mhl lak tu...

Huh! Lapo aku mrh byk2 pg2 buta ni...da la dlm ujan renyai2 tulis entry ni...mrh punyer psl!!

Bye...see ya!


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