Friday, 25 September 2015



Hi all...gempak x tajuk? Hehe...actually bkn apa sgt pn. Aritu da beli tiket nk blek phg.

NOTA : Raya Qurban 24-Sept bkn 25-Sept

Hehe...tah apa2 la nota tu. Semua org tau daa...

Back to the topic. Right now I'm on my way with my aRDy - sweet little car. Org kata myvi ni laju. Tp nape lmbt gak smpai ni hehe...

Mesti ada yg tny nape burn je tiket tu?

Answer: This is for the sake of my beloved prince & princess + my froggy queen la. Aku bole save 6-7 jam compare naik bas. So bole spend masa lebeh lama dgn diorg. Okies?

If by bus skrg ni aku rase br otw ke Larkin. Tp skrg ni aku da smpai Endau Rompin. Yes! Bole beli udang galah! Haha...jln gelap giler maybe mcm nk ujan. So stop jap ni before another 2 hours driving with normal speed.

Okayla geng...da abes take 5 ni. Nk sambung jln lak. Semoga selamat smpai utk aku hehe...

Bye all...see ya!

Thursday, 24 September 2015



Hi all...salam Aidil Adha. Salam perantauan ( duk sensorg kt JB xde teman T.T ). What to do esok keje so stay la sensorg yek. Wife & anak semua kat Pahang tgh mandi laut kot sbb td ckp nk mandi laut. Da kul5 ni good time nk mandi manda.

Okies...sbb tetba arini xjd masuk keje bos ckp xyah masuk so aku tros decide tgk katun. Hehe...actually this is sequel from Hotel Transylvania that aired last year 2014. Sebuah cerita pasal keluarga dracula yg da jd half dracula. Kisah ni selepas Jonathan (a human) & Mavis (awek dracula) kawen then dpt sorg anak. Yg si bapak Mavis ni (Count Dracula) hepi sgt sbb dpt sambung zuriat kaum dracula ni. But unfortunately si cucu ni xmenunjukkan sifat dracula - more to human. So si datuk dracula trying so hard utk tukarkn si cucu ni kpd dracula junior. Sbenonye ada 2 reason nape si datuk dracula ni nk jadikn si cucu ni dracula - 1. Sebagai penyambung generasi; 2. Xnk si Mavis berpindah keluar dr Hotel Transylvania tu. Overall, it was a nice movie utk bawa anak2 menonton sambil jln2 sopim2. Nk Emiryu citer lg ke? Xyah la...g la tgk kat wayang tu...xbest lak if da tau jln cerita dier kn.

Tp Emiryu nk kasi nasihat la sikit sbb td tgk bapak ramai yg beratur nk beli tiket. Emiryu just pkai TGV Cinemas apps je sng. Xyah beratur pnjg utk beli tiket. Nk pilih seat pn sng. Seat yg pilih td mmg terbaik la seat N11 - betul2 centre - 3rd/4th row dari belakang. Xsuke ddk last row tah xtau nape. Pastu lak diapit amoi kiri kanan huhu T.T (sedeinye tgk sensorg).

So kpd yg belum tgk Hotel Transylvania bole tgk dulu br pegi tgk Hotel Transylvania 2 ni. As my own opinion yg 1st tu lg best & lg happenning dr yg 2nd ni. Tp dr segi penceritaan, tahap kelako dier mmg bole tahan la. Tergelak gak la dlm wayang tu ramai2. Movie ni ada diselitkn byk pengajaran instead of just for fun. Sbb tu yg 1st tu aku kata lebeh excitement dlm tu. Lgpon yg 2nd ni ada budak kecik so xkn nk wat lebeh2 mcm yg 1st tu. Haru biru mak bapak nnti kat umah bile anak2 tiru perangai gila2 tu. Haha...So meaning to say bkn cerita yg mengecewakan la. If bwk g anak2 tgk diorg akan hepi or sgt hepi.

My rating would be 4 / 5. Nape 4 je kn? Haa...4 ni da kire best. Sbb max rating pn Emiryu akan ltk 4.5 if citer tu sgt2 best. Contoh mcm Furious7 tu bole dpt 4.5 / 5. Hehe...So phm kn cmne rating dr Emryu ni...Good!

Okay all...tu sj dr aku utk review ni hehe...harap berpuas hati. Selamat berhujung minggu.

Bye all...see ya!

Wednesday, 23 September 2015



Hi all...da lama xtulis tulis ni. Ada da msuk 3 ari ni..patotla gatal2 tgn ni hehe... Bkn mls or gave up sj rehat2 layan anime marathon. Hehe...

Okayla enuf psl tu. Ni event paling besar just around the corner ni - Hari Raya Aidil Adha. Slmt berkorban kpd yg mengerjakn ibadah korban. Slmt berjmpa sanak saudara kpd yg berkumpul balek kampung. Slmt berkorban apa sahaja kpd semua umat Islam.

Emiryu punye korban apa? Hehe...korang da bole agak da. Hehe...Emiryu stay kt JB ni(Pasir Gudang) sensorang. Yela ada sape2 saudara kt jhr ni. Kwn2 je la yg ada if diorg xbalek. Anyway, xkire papepon yg terjadi, kpd yg xdpt balek kampung jmpe mak ayah adek beredek saudara mara tu jgnla sedeh. If ada jodoh tetap akan jmpe just ms je xtau. nasehat Emiryu xdpt balek xpe tp call la mak ayah dulu awek/boifren second. Hehe...Emiryu da called ptg td - mak nangis hehe...

Sempena hari raya ni, Emiryu nk minx maap zahir byk2 if ada slh silap selama ni. If ada terkasar bhs termenyumpah ke apa hehe...

Salam aid adha kpd semua yg menyambut.

Bye all...see ya!

Saturday, 19 September 2015



Hi all…as per promised mlm nk tulis entry pasal something serius a bit. In fact sgt serius tp sbb Malaysia negara aman & kurang bencana mcm ni so kite kurang amik tau. It is regarding wabak yg dtg blek ke negara kite – Wabak Anjing Gila – Rabies – Mad Dog. Isu ni da diwarta dlm berita terdapat kat 3 negeri which are Perlis, Kedah & Pulau Pinang. My family was there so I will be more serious!


Why so serious? Someone might say that kn?

What if aku ckp wabak ni boleh menyebabkan KEMATIAN?!!! Scary is it?

Once aku try siasat psl rabies ni then aku rase WOW! Korang tau x 28 Sept each year adalah World Rabies Day? Aku pn br tau ni.

“It is currently responsible for an estimated 59,000 human deaths a year, almost all transmitted via dog bites. Up to 60% of all rabies deaths are children under the age of 15. Very few victims have access to the palliative care that would alleviate the suffering of their final days. However, despite its almost 100% case fatality rate, canine rabies is completely preventable with modern vaccines. Nobody need die of rabies”
See more at:

Haa…paham xkwn2? Kat Malaysia kes ni kire kecik tp worldwide lebeh kurang 59,000 kematian setiap tahun. Kebanyakan dtg dari bdk kecik. So untuk kite yg da tua ni kene ada knowledge utk protect bdk2 kecik ni sbb diorg mmg xtau pape. Okay guys, ada paham? Good!

What is rabies?

Rabies ni adalah sejenis viral disease (aku xreti nk explain maksud dier sbb makin aku search makin complex lak bhs dier pakai - sorry) yg berjangkit disebabkan oleh air liur ataupon tisu badan dari haiwan yg dijangkiti kepada kite mostly disebabkan dari GIGITAN.

Symptoms Rabies

Symptom Rabies ni aku nk pecah kepada 2; 1 - kat haiwan yg dijangkiti (in our case – anjing la), 2 – kat manusia

Physically sick (sakit)
Sakit & gatal kat tmpt luka
Bersifat extreme (ganazzzz)
Demam, sejuk, lemah & sakit2 otot
Gila (abnormal)
Extreme condition – high fever, confusion & maybe comma
Overly friendly (jinak yg pelek)
Sistem pernafasan terganggu
Organ2 utama dijangkiti
Bersifat luar tabii

FYI, utk manusia tu symptom dier ikot flow. Meaning start dgn gatal2 & berakhir dgn MATI. Utk pengetahuan korang almost 100% fatality kepada yg dijangkiti tau. Boleh kata SURE kill ni if da kene jangkit. Only few yg terselamat. Nk tau kenapa? Sbb virus ni bkn terus menyerang tp SLOWLY phase by phase yg kadang2 kite xtau pn kite da terkene jangkitan. It will take 30 – 60 hari br symptom nmpk. If tahap gatal2 tu kite dapatkn vaksin mungkin bole selamat lg. Tp if da smpai stage extreme tu doa la byk2. So, sbb tu knowledge is the MOST important here.

Erk...mayat yg cantik? Display only guys...hehe
Oh! Lupe ckp, Rabies ni xsemestinye anjing je tau. Mcm kat US vampire bat. Tp kebanyakan kes mmg anjing. Tp cuba kite piker blek, if anjing tu gigit kucing kite kat rumah bkn ke kucing tu da dijangkiti? So beware! Check semula symptom kat haiwan tu yer.


Setakat research yg aku baca2 cara yg paling mudah ialah thru vaccination. So harap2 la mana2 tuan anjing tu tolong vaksin anjing kat rumah tu. It is not only to protect the dog BUT the most important is to PROTECT your family & surrounding people! Alamak..teromputeh lak. Tp paham kn? Thanx.

Hehe...sorang lg doc yg cantik
Cara lain dah dilakukan oleh pihak berwajib iaitu dgn menangkap anjing2 liar xbertuan disekitar kawasan suspek sbb kite xtau mana yg dah dijangkit atau belum. Just to remind cara penangkapan tu kene berhemah & berperikemanusiaan la kn. Jgn la seksa binatang pulak. Mereka semua grown up & know the best apa nk buat mengikut keadaan semasa. Theory apa semua xleh pakai bile berdepan anjing yg terdesak. So, tanya otak & iman.

Haaa…takot x? Aku takot. Aku ada baca kat blog byk komen2 tp agak menyedihkn apa yg dikomen just for bashing people & not to increase awareness. Stupid Malaysian! Apa ke bangang komen cara hapuskan anjing. Mmg sooo typical Malaysian. Syukur negara aman xde bencana camni MENYEBABKAN rakyat terlalu bodoh! Sorry2…terEMO lak. Sedih la kn. This is serious issue but nobody take note.

Okayla kwn2. Aku harap info aku ni sedikit sebanyak boleh dijadikan pertahanan diri & orang terdekat. If ternampak anjing liar berkelakuan pelek xsalah kite rase a bit sangsi for the safety. If kite xberani nk tangkap (mmg aku xberani), bolehla lapor kepada pihak berkenaan. Tp sape pihak berkenaan tu?

“SHABERY: Ketika ini pihak kementerian saya sedang bekerjasama dengan Kementerian Kesihatan dan pihak berkuasa tempatan untuk mengambil langkah sewajarnya seperti menangkap anjing-anjing liar.. “

Okay guys, da panjang lebar aku tulis. Hopefully good info.

 Bye all…see ya!



Hi all...wish u all good day. Happy Saturday. Sori smlm xde tulis2 sebab demam daa...(alasan haha). Tp mmg betol smlm demam. Nk tgk MC? Haha...

Smlm pg masuk keje sbb ada byk keje nk kene prepare. Tp badan mmg saket kaw2 punye. Otot & tulang xyah cakap la sakit kene ekon lg. Fuh! Tu la ujian Allah kn. Byk sgt wat dosa Dia kasi ingt blek. So lepas daily progress meeting g la clinic dlm yard nk minx ubat. Jimat duit kikiki...pastu dptla MC utk ptg - mmg minta kat doc sbb mmg sakit badan xtahan. Esok (arini) nk keje lg so better rest dlu la. Thanx Dr. Nur. Cukup la nama tu je kn hihi...


So lps Jumaat mkn dlu pastu mkn ubat demam & skali dgn Ponstan. Xpela da lama xmkn ponstan kire ok la mkn sbb xtahan sakit otot tu. Nasib bukan denggi ek. Fuh! Minta simpang 44! Da mkn ubat tu terus berbungkus mcm hantu pocong. Peluh xyah ckp la...mcm jogging 3 round taman tasik layang-layang tu. Basah baju spender bagai haha...

Kul3 lebeh aku bgn & rase bdn da sihat sgt da. Sakit2 otot seme da ilang. Best sgt rase haha. So mandi & besiap2 nk kuar nk kasi settle pasal battery laptop kucinta tu. ASUS ckp ada warranty so aku nk g claim la. So dgn semangat baru lps demam aku pn g la ke Taman Molek. Punyala byk cabaran aritu jalan jem lak. Dari Pasir Gudang nk ke Taman Molek mayby dlm 15-20 km la lebeh kurang 15 minit perjalanan. Tp jem aku estimate 7km ada kot kat Hingway Pasir Gudang tu & takes about 1hour. Ni semua gara2 keprihatinan yg teramat sgt pengguna jln raya kat Malaysia ni. Ada sebijik kete eksiden je. Da kat tepi pn kete tu & mmg xhalang jln pn. Tau la kete Integra yg eksiden tp bakpe smpai jem terok. Ish..ish...ish...nasib badannnn. yg aku nk komen ni. Aku mmg ada bad luck la dgn customer service. Aritu psl celcom kn? Ni psl ASUS lak. Ada ke patut dier suruh aku tinggal laptop semata mata nk tunggu battery tu sampai. Mmg x la kn. Byk keje lg nk buat. 7 ari lak tu. Aku tanya xkn la tukar battery pn lm sgt. Dgn selamber dier ckp sbb xtau battery baru tu compatible xdgn laptop. WTF! Opss...sori2. Cool Emir cool. Fuh! Bang! Jgn la ckp camtu bang oi. Nampak sgt kebodohan dlm jawapan tu. Biarkn je la menteri2 kasi jawapan bodo jgn la sampai menular di kalangan rakyat lak.

Da la aku jem sejam nk smpai sini ko senang2 ckp camtu je no other option. Dgn selebet aku blah je la.

Err...xpe ke panjang sikit aku bebel arini? Hehe...ada sikit lg ni...sikit je lg ni kikiki...

Okayla...sebenarnye da abes da marah tu. Xpe tu semalam punye marah. Arini da cool da. Haha...

Jgn lupe kite ada date mlm ni tau. Ada satu topic agak penting nk kasi info. Nk cari bahan jap lg. So jumpe mlm ni ek.

Bye all...see ya!

Friday, 18 September 2015


Hi guys...apa kabar semua? Ada sihat ka? Good! Wish you all sihat2 semua. Ingatkan arini xde entry tp macam xbest la pulak hehe...Da jd part of routine lak check blog & tulis entry daily.

Arini xbrape sihat la. Td kat tempat keje da makan ubat tp macam xde kesan jek. So decide blek awal (kul 530 gak awal pn hehe) makan siap2 tunggu Maghrib pastu makan ubat lg teros tido. Best tido.

Kul10 td wife ada gerak suruh bangun. Mmg da minx tlg gerak untuk Isya' & COC - war (Clash of Clans). Tp bukak mata da start sakit tekak & peneng2 lg. So tido blek la hehe...Dlm kul 1130 br bangun. Mandi2 shampoo bagai sbb letak 'balm' kat kepala (rambut - nasib pendek). Pastu check blog jap hehe...

So lps tulis entry ni nk tido blek la. Peneng lg la kepala ni. Leher sakit2, tekak xselesa. Ni nampaknye nk kene mkn ubat lg la ni before tido ni huhu...

Okay la guys, wish you all sihat2 selalu. Ni maybe ada kaitan dgn jerebu ke hapa pn xtau la. Maybe la kot. Take care & wish you all in good health.

Bye all...see ya!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015


Hi all...seperti yang dijanjikan tadi arini nk buat entry pasal makan2. Tp before that nak tanya dulu la - korang okay ke entry bertali arus untuk malam ni jer? If okay then I proceed. If x ok pn mana tau selagi xpost entry ni kan? Wakakaka...

Okay...mula2 kite story pasal lunch tadi kat Komplex Pasir Gudang. Story pasal gunting rambut tu korang da baca kan? berlaku pada masa yang sama la tu. Just potong rambut tu lepas makan. Nanti xselesa la kan makan lepas potong rambut. Pada sesaper yang xbaca lg pasal potong rambut sila baca sekarang. Kikiki...kidding je la.

Sup kat Aneka Sup - Cool Blog xde ek kat Aneka Sup tu
Nama kedai tu Aneka Sup. Location ialah dekat food court Kompeks Pasir Gudang. Ada sebijik je kedai sup kat situ. Signbord dier warna kuning tulisan merah. Ada pelbagai jenis sup. Aku nk amik gambo malu la pulok sebab ramai orang haha...Tp aku bole story apa isi yg disediakan dalam sup tu. Apa yg ada - daging, ayam, perut (babat), urat (keting), pipi lembu & lidah lembu (if ada tetinggal sori ek). Oh..! Korang pernah pegi Nilai 3 x? Kat Nilai 3  selain banyak barang2 nk kawen & mamat Pakistan carpet, kat food court sana pn feymes sup kn? Haaa...rase sup dier bole kata comparable la tu. Just isi dlm sup kat Nilai 3 xsebanyak yg kat Pasir Gudang ni. Nanti aku hadiahkan gambo. So sabor ek.

Aku amik sup perut + dgn daging + nasik kosong - RM8. Okay la kn? Haa...lupe cakap tadi. Isi sup tu korang bole campur2 ikot sedap perut korang. Beza kat harga je la. Lagi 1 sup ni banyak. If korang lahap tahap gaban memang cukup untuk sorang je. Tp untuk selera makan aku yang comel ni bole makan utk 3 orang. Banyak beb! Tp td aku makan sorang pn abes gak...hahaha...(lahap tahap gaban gak aku ni upernye).

Utk review aku bole kasi 4/5 stars la. Tp lain tekak lain rase kn? Tp aku berani suggest korang try la dulu baru comment. Bole tahan sedapnye. Hehehe...

P/S : Kedai Aneka Sup tu xde kaitan sedara ke apa dgn aku. Just sedara se-Islam je.

Okeh..! Now we go to dinner lak yg baru je aku makan kul10 td. Nama kedai ni Bola Bola. Mmg seswai dgn nama dier - decoration kedai ni mmg SGT JDT style! Merah biru beb! Hiasan dlm pn semua pasal bola. Aku nk nasihatkn korang if peneng kepala jgn duduk dlm kedai tp amik yg open air punya. Bukan apa, nnti takot ada yg muntah lak sbb warna too bright kn. Haha...

Bola Bola - Gill Lamb

Bola Bola ni menyediakan western food - grill & chop la kirenye ni. Makanan lain aku xprasan lak dlm menu td. But what I can say mostly western style la. Utk harga agak berpatutan. Tp td mmg aku sgt surprised la. SUPER FAST siap! Aku rase orang order tp xamik kot. Cis! Tp xpela sbb still suam & orang tu bukan sentuh pn kn.

Dari segi rase aku kasi 2.5 or 3 / 5 stars. Sbb apa? Sbb grill lamb dier agak dry maybe overcook. Da 2x aku makan sana & mmg sama jek xde perubahan dr segi rase. Sbb tu aku kasi 2.5 or 3 star je. Yg ada perubahan dulu xde TV skrg da ada - 2 lak tu haha...But for taste I quite dissappointed! Lamb juice xde rase pn. So agak fail di situ.

But pls be reminded yer kwn2 - review ni based on my own taste. Orang lain taste lain. So korang bole try dulu br decide. Aku da tried so tu judgement aku. Okies? Good!

Tp lps makan lamb ni aku rase kpala aku lain mcm. Nk tdo la huhu...maybe sbb rambut byk ilang kot wahahaa...xde kaitan pn.

Okay guys...time to rest. Sok aku story lg psl makan yg tertangguh lama da aku nk citer tu.

Bye all...see ya!


2 comments td cakap cari makan kn lps bengang dgn celcom tu...

Sementara tggu makanan sampai tulis2 sikit la.

Td lepas keje (halfday) arini pegila komplex Pasir Gudang gunting rambut kat 88 saloon yang slalu gi tu.

Masa preparation awek yang siapkan. Tp dalam hati nk mamat bangla yang slalu potong rambut aku tu. Lepas siap2 bungkus badan mamat tu masuk saloon. Lega aku sbb mamat tu da tau aku nk potong cmne. Xnk aku awek tu potong. Mmg sexy pkai skirt tp watpe kn...aku nk potong rambut (ayat cover takot wifey baca)...ngee...

Alamak..makanan da sampai - SUPER FAST! Blek ni aku kasi review kedai ni skali la. Hehe...

Sambung sikit lg la pasal potong rambut tu. Pastu mamat tu potong la rambut aku dgn selamba. Aku pn mls nk tgk sgt la sebab dier da tau style aku. Aku ni mata rabun tahap 7 petala langit. Kalah Paichow mmg xnmpk la muke aku yg 'kacak' tu. Kikiki...

Bile da siap potong aku pakai spec tgk...cis! Da macam budak nakal da rambut aku! Aku ckpla kat mamat tu "Ni da terlebeh pendek ni!". Pastu dgn selambe dier ckp aku, " Potong style lain la sikit. Asyik sama je". Siot jek mamat ni... Aku bukan apa...keje pakai safety helmet. Kepala aku saiz 19" bang oii..! Ko tau x helmet aku tu strap dier da last skali?!!! Huhu...da nasib badan...

Okayla...sejuk lak lamb grill aku ni. Makan dulu yer....Ittadakimasu...

Bye all...see ya!


Hi all...arini nk tulis pasal makan2 kn? Tp before tulis pasal makan2 bole x tulis pasal STRESS! dgn Celcom online service ni?

Xtau la sebab internet slow ke hapa susah sangat nk login. Kang xbayar bil kang kene potong lak. Pastu mula la call cakap da overdue la apa la. Orang nk bayar xkasi. Cis!

Da marah2 ni mula la lapo...adehhh..! Cool Emir cool! Fuh!

Okay...da lapo...g kuar makan jap nnti tulis pasal makan2 ek.

Bye all...see ya!


Ermmm...uhhhh...(sweaty)...fuhhh..! Xtau nak comment apa ni...Da 5 minit da ni still xtau nak tulis apa...kikiki...

Sorry Ash (BKM)...I tried participate ya mana tau dpt novel hehe...Selama hidup ni 4 novels je pernah baca. Tu pn kalo betul la angka '4' tu. 2 novel jumpe dlm bilik kakak. Lagi 2 guess what? Haha...novel masa Form 4 & 5 utk SPM. Haha...

So here guys...dengan ini saya men'declare'kn diri menyertai "GIVEAWAY by BKM". So if korang ada masa jom pay a visit kat blog BKM ni...Comei2 blog dier ni. Even I'am a guy pn tertarik gak dgn blog BKM ni. Sweet & creative. Keep it up girl! Wish you luck!

 photo GIVE BY bkm_zpshkz0u4oi.png

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Hi all...good day. Rasanya cara penulisan kene ubah sikit. Most of the readers is Malay kan...hehe...Bukan apa tulis English sebab maybe ada reader outside country yang datang melawat blog ni hehe - berangan. Lagi satu takot reader xpaham tulisan bahasa pasar ni. But we will see the feedback. If possible better English sebab terlalu banyak shortform & broken language susah pembaca nak paham kan.

Okayla...actually dari semalam lagi nak tulis pasal makan makan at few places tapi asyik fail jek. Gambar gambar da ready tp internet SUPER SLOW!!! Danggg..! My 'Sifu' - #Saya Niza cakap "Skrg ni mmg internet slow sedunia ke?". Lebeh kurang macam tu la bunyi dier cakap (kalo salah tolong tunjukkan hehe).

Esok Hari Malaysia meaning that is public holiday for those yang bole cuti. Tp aku??? Same as normal day - keje huhu...Xpela...masuk keje halfday je da la...petang nanti spend masa berblog lagi.

Just ignore about me, so to all Malaysian - Selamat menyambut Hari Malaysia. Xtau apa nak jadi dengan Malaysia kite ni but hopefully we can get through this problem ASAP. So many things happen & what we can do just wish for the better tomorrow. If not for us, it is for our future generations.

Ermm...still broken. Xpela kan...sikit sikit xpe kot (nak sedapkan hati).

Okay guys...time for GTO jap. Da ulang banyak kali tp xpela dari sakit hati nak surfing pn susah asyik loading je. Ni la masalah pakai broadband ni. Fix line great idea tp xbagos utk orang macam aku ni yang slalu sgt travel (JB - Penang - Pahang je pon haha).

Bye all...see ya!


Hi all...should I say good night or good morning? Hehe...

Today I met my with my friend. Sharing stories finding alternative ways to make money. Hehe...lot of plans but hard to start. However at least we start with a plan rather than nothing rite?

It require a lot of courage to start something new. Furthermore we already into the state of comfort. When talking about this makes me remember one good story - Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson. It is a good story that used to motivate or rather expose our thought from only focusing or take place in our comfort zone.

It is said only the one who dare to change or dare to take the risk will succeed. However, not all of the changes good. But never wanted to change is mostly the ethic of a LOSER.

As for me, I  have been taught that before asleep take some of our time to think what have we done for today. Is it good? Is it bad? It doesn't matter good or bad but as for tomorrow we MUST change into something better than yesterday. Not all but at least a few.

Nobody can be so perfect. In fact, we don't even know which is perfect. It is so subjective that depends on who evaluate us. If the evaluator is a thief, the evaluation is different based on their expertise & knowledge. If the evaluator is a doctor it will be different. If the evaluator is a lawyer it will lead to other perception. So, in the end who is right & who is wrong? No exact answer will gained.

Well, this is just my thought. You can take it if you agree or you can leave it if you don't like it. It is just my point of view based on what I have experienced.

Okay guys...quite a lot aku membebel ni. I think it is enough for me to remind myself tonight.

Bye all...see ya!

Sunday, 13 September 2015


Hi all...kali ni post entry yang kurang senonoh sikit. A bit shame but still nk post. Haha...

Just arrive from work after siap2 change cloth duduk terus kat meja kerja (dining table merangkap semua jenis meja).

Pastu blogwalking kejap n tetba rase nk mengunyah lak. Luckily ada 2 packs Mamee Monster balance dari wife punye last time visit - last two weeks. So dengan rakus daa bukak then the result as shown T.T...huhu...

Tu la blek keje tadi malas nk lunch. Da lapo...huhu...

Okayla guys...before kene marah better do the clean up. FYI...last night wifey cakap ada stalk kat blog. Xtau apa dier tgk hehe...

Bye all...see ya!


Hi all...good morning. Hope you guys healthy always. What day is today? What?!!! SUNDAY?! So what am I doing here working? Oh no!!!

Heh! Xyah nk "Oh no!" Sangat la Emiryu oit. Ko tu memang keje 8 hari seminggu! Haha...what to do - demi sesuap nasi.

As for us x kire pn hari apa bedal je. Weekend ke public holiday ke no meaning to us ( tp dalam hati nangis woo). That is why day & date pn lupa kadang2. So wifey please understand this. Your hubby da xtau day & date if something coming in the future please inform in advance. Tq for understanding dear...kikiki...fuh! Selamat da ngee...

Okayla guys...nk sambung keje. Ni blanje 1 song from The Beatles - 8 days a week (working) - sad.

"Eight Days A Week"

Ooh I need your love babe
Guess you know it's true
Hope you need my love babe
Just like I need you
Hold me, love me, hold me, love me
Ain't got nothing but love babe

Eight days a week
Love you every day girl
Always on my mind
One thing I can say girl
Love you all the time
Hold me, love me, hold me, love me
Ain't got nothing but love babe
Eight days a week

Eight days a week
I love you
Eight days a week
Is not enough to show I care

Ooh I need your love babe
Guess you know it's true
Hope you need my love babe
Just like I need you
Hold me, love me, hold me, love me
Ain't got nothing but love babe
Eight days a week

Eight days a week
I love you
Eight days a week
Is not enough to show I care

Love you every day girl
Always on my mind
One thing I can say girl
Love you all the time
Hold me, love me, hold me, love me
Ain't got nothing but love babe
Eight days a week
Eight days a week
Eight days a week

Bye all...see ya!
Worn out means hardwork??Maybe...

Friday, 11 September 2015


Hahaha...hi all. Saja je wat tajuk camtu. It's past 2300 Hrs already. Haish...entry belum tulis lg for today.

Since it is Friday night I thought want to have a serious blogwalking. But in the end stuck with ONLY 2 blogs. 2 cute / sweet blogger. Sape tu? Hehe..biarlah rahsia. But something for sure - they're senior in blogging unlike me (newbie) & a gurl ALSO unlike me...hehe.

Being in this blogging world somehow makes me relieve from the sort of "engineering", "technical" thingy that make headache to whoever in the field. I'm really glad I found this new hobby even though it is a bit late to start compare to my age - sweet 27th...kikiki...27th la sangat! Being able to read all sort of writing from travels, foods, personal opinions regardless topics, creative ideas & etc makes me wonder...what have I archived in these past "few" years.

From the writing I can sense the joy on what they are doing. Wow! Good job guys (mostly gurls). You have opened me eyes into something that some I can imagine but too afraid to try. Ya la...most of the technical guys more influence to go to the technical / fact / measured / logical / calculative / etc things which I don't think too good to apply in daily lives. Sometimes thinking too much not good also. And it grows grey hair faster you know! kikiki...ada betul kaaa???

But, a path has been chosen. So live with it...I live with it...but I make my own way. It is not wrong to do both rite? Just require 2x harder. A person who try harder can get a little bit better than a person who try hard. But a person who try hard would be better than a person who never trying. hehe...pepandai je aku cakap. Baru je tepikir time tengah tulis tadi...hehe...

Okayla guys...mata da kelat2 teh-O-ais ni. Esok nak keje (weekend pon keje ka?) Bak kata my brother in law..."Bangla pon cuti weekend dek oii..!"...xpela...itu nasib Bangla huhuhu...

Bye all...see ya!

Wednesday, 9 September 2015


Hi all...seems da ramai blogger datang visit my blog so I'm so happy to tell you this story. It has been almost a month ago after my project sail out then I can have a break peacefully without any phone call regarding works. So I'm having this bercuti suka2 with my family.

Since we stayed in Penang, after watching Korean drama, we thought " jugak dapat mandi air panas ni". Kebetulan Pusat Rekreasi Air Panas Ulu Lengong not so far away from Seberang Jaya. Takes more or less than 1 hour travel.

Actually we plan to stay there. There are hotel / chalet provided. The price also very competitive. But unfortunately all of the chalet / hotel fully booked. So we decided to go there at night time. The fee only RM6 for adult. You can take bath for 24 hours if you want by paying RM6. The ticket valid for 1 whole day.

The facilities there quite okay for me. We arrived there around 9:30 PM. Not so many people so we can conquer the pool. There are various types of pools - and also different in heat. Ada yang panas & ada yang kurang panas or sesuai untuk pengunjung yang xberapa tahan panas. There are for kids also. But I have to remind if you bringing your kids please monitor them closely.

As for me, if you are visiting North area of our county Malaysia, you can spend some of your time visiting there. It is a nice place & without a doubt I will visit again with my family when we have a chance.

 Okay guys...that's all for sharing.

Bye all...see ya!


Ahhh...hi guys...good job for today. I think it is enough for slow learner like me to learn 1 thing at a time. hehe...

Thanx to for giving me this great idea. Jangan saman ek sebab x minta kebenaran pn curik idea ni..hehe

For those who visit my blog...special thanx from me & please leave your footsteps (URL) in the "LEAVE UR LINK" tab so that I can visit you at any time free - and perhaps can "curik" some great ideas of yours hehe...

Most of the your blog really great & some soooooo sweet to read & see. Thank you for coming here & give opportunity for me to repay the visit. A newbie like me wouldn't grow without all of you "Great Blogger / blog-gist" - xtau betul ke idak bahasa aku ni...paham2 je la ek hehe...

Alrite guys...this entry maybe I specially dedicated to fellow blogger who came visit my blog & give comments. I do really hope we can interact in the near future. I'll improve my writing & topics so that will grow interest for you all to read.

Bye all...see ya!


"With everything we have,.. with everything we care,..LOVE comes first..."

Please leave your footsteps HERE...senang nk cari nanti (^.^)

Tuesday, 8 September 2015



Hi all...haaaiii...thought can win ticket to Korea. Haha...

What an unfortunate even...even my name cannot put perfectly. Maybe not for me...kikiki...

Just kidding la...frankly speaking I've never tried this kind of things. But for some people they loveto do it. It is up to oneself what to do & what to like. No harm to try.

Maybe I'll use another name perhaps & see what happen next.

Time for another try.

Bye all..see ya!


Hi's boring to do works so just decided to take 5 minutes brake.

This photo was taken few days back. My two lovely kids with their nephew at Maktok ( grandma's) place. It is a pity we have to leave them in Pahang. But what to do, that is the only option we have.

Sabarla budak2...i'll try my best to be by your side real soon. Huhu...if there is CEO or HR manager who read this might want to give some help hehe...

My time is up...5 mins only! Continue work please.

Bye all...see ya!

Monday, 7 September 2015


Hi guys…this topic might interesting for you…it’s about food!!!

Jeruk Madu Pak Ali – have you ever heard about it? I think most of people knew about it.

This Jeruk Madu Pak Ali located in Seberang Jaya near the big roundabout of Seberang Jaya. If you go to Penang it is a MUST place to go there.

This Jeruk Pak Ali no more small stall like the old days. It is more like a mini market full of pickle (jeruk) comes from various types.

Actually, here in  it is not only sell pickles. There are a lot of other local products also they sell – even souvenir.

Please see in the photos that I "curi - curi" took inside the market. Actually there are a lot of people inside there during that time. Why not! there are 2 buses that bring visitors stop by. Very packed inside...haha.

If you want to go to washroom – no worries. There at Jeruk Madu Pak Ali they provided a spectacular washroom (at least to me). Why? I’m not sure whether it is stainless steel or shining aluminium since I didn’t take a look up close. Malu la…hehe…I just took photo from a far only. I’m not a stalker OKAY!

Okay guys, if you planning to go to Penang I suggest you plan some of your time to visit Jeruk Pak Ali.

 Bye all…see ya!


Hi guys…lama xberblog. How are you doing? Good? Alhamdulillah…

It’s been almost 2 weeks since I stopped writing. Fuh!!! It’s very busy with daily works & other things. I coundn’t manage my time good enough for blogging. Sorry guys.

Two weeks ago I went to my wife place – Penang. The reason is to bring my kids to hometown in Pahang since my wife having course in UTM Skudai. Near me yeay!!! Hehe…

That Friday night I went to Larkin by bus off course (save & cheap). Then at the bus terminal I met these 3 new friends. They are all somewhere from Javanese are in Indonesia. What makes me interested in them is one of them look very similar to my friend. And he’s quite friendly though. Actually, I can get bus early (got 1 empty seat) but thinking of this new friends I rather let go the bus & wait for our own bus. They treat me 1 choco bun. How sweet of them right?

But that night was the worse to me since I started travelling by bus JB – Penang for last 2 years. I have to change 4 buses started from Pasir Gudang – Larkin – Butterworth. How bad is that right?
But it is still okay since I got there in time. But luckily I’m not a deep sleeper. If not I don’t know how far I got then. Haha…

That is somehow the story. Next entry is about food…hehe…

Bye all…see ya!

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